Monday 9 May 2016

Lark Ascending

More pics from yesterday's expedition, these taken by my very talented wife, Mrs Zoom, with her fancy big camera with it's telephoto lens. The two below are of a skylark, hovering on the wing in full song above us while we were photographing the cows that I posted yesterday.
The bottom pic is two Peacock butterflies, which were either two males fighting over territory or a male pursuing a female in a courtship dance. I'm not enough of a lepidoptera expert to be able to tell but it's one of those, definitely!
The great one-that-got-away was an adder sunning itself on a path that we were walking down that we came very close to actually treading on, but had flounced (and I do mean flounced) into the undergrowth before we'd got our various cameras into focus. 
This was all at (or very close to) Powerstock Common, which is a Dorset Wildlife Trust nature reserve in West Dorset. A bit of a hidden gem by all accounts - impossible to find but well worth the visit.

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