Saturday 28 May 2016

Games For May

Out with the dogs and the missus again, this time on the road running past Bradbury Rings. Bradbury  is an iron-age hill fort and, running past it is the main road between Wimborne and Blandford, which runs through an avenue of beech trees. It's a Dorset landmark and looks kinda like the road to King's Landing would if it was a 60mph A road.

The road, the avenue of trees and the broad grass verges are all National Trust owned and looked after by my old work colleague Paul. 
Here's the whole family in one shot. Mrs Zoom to the left, Maeve the Irish bog whippet in the foreground, Emerson the galgo or Spanish Greyhound ahead of Maeve and Mochi the Podenco on the right.

There's a lot of cow parsley about. Or Queen Anne's Lace if you want to be posh. Anthriscus sylvestnis if you want to be really posh.

Some Devil's Bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis) and some cuckoo flower (Cardamine pratensis). And some grass, obvs.

Some hawk's beard, or possibly buttercups or - even posssiblyer - both.

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