Thursday 26 May 2016

DIY Ecology

 No rhodo bashing this week. I'm a bit over rhodo bashing. So, instead, here's a pretty little bit of meadow grass. Lovely, isn't it? Some brome, a few cuckoo flowers...

......Aaaand pull back and reveal that it is in fact, the side of my town's bypass. To the left of this pic is a bridge with the River Stour running through it while, over the top runs the A31. Over the other side of the road is an industrial estate.

To the best of my knowledge, no one ever planned or planted this up, it just sprang up as it's own little nature reserve. Rewilding in action, before your very eyes.

Further on is this field, which is managed to some extent. It's grazed by sheep through the winter and right now is awash with buttercups and silverweed.

It all just goes to show, it's not just about the big, showy reserves. Nature is right there all around you. Sometimes you have to give it a helping hand, sometimes it just gets on and does it itself.

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